I produce high quality renderings, animated short films and sometimes 3D sculptures of the fractal systems I study. I also produce prints and film presentations for events around the world.
Some public appearances
the harvest
Frame, Michael; Cohen, Nathan (2015). Benoit Mandelbrot: A Life in Many Dimensions. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company. ISBN 978-981-4366-06-9. S 180
20 30x20 images in decoration of
Kabinett der Kuriositäten November 23
Altes Postlager Mainz
a kind of hope
2023 Bridges Conference Short Film Festival
Halifax, Canada
go to Festival overview
go to film entry
secret alphabets
2019 Bridges Conference Short Film Festival
Ars Electronica Linz, Austria
Bunte Armee Fraktion BAF
Joint exhibition on the occasion of the Luminale 2018
Offenbach Art Association (Kunstverein Offenbach e.V.)
vernissage walk by Klaus Freese
LONG NIGHT OF SCIENCES 2017, Art & Science Node (ASN)
TIZ Berlin, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
go to event site
go to 42 on IMAGINARY
sea invader, rulin' the desert, oldschool connection
IMAGINARY in Nuremberg 2016
Glasbau, Künstlerhaus im KunstKulturQuartier Nuremberg, Germany
Bunte Armee Fraktion BAF, Offensive Offenbach
Joint exhibition on the occasion of the Luminale 2016
Offenbach Art Association (Kunstverein Offenbach e.V.)
vernissage walk by Klaus Freese
november rhapsody
Seoul, South Korea
the movies
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a kind of hope
An aninimation with some descriptive qualities. Produced with the creative commons tune "a kind of hope" by Scott Buckley. (www.scottbuckley.com.au)
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secret alphabets
Collaboration with the band "holy orange", who provide the soundtrack and the title. Further they organised a release party in Düsseldorf with their live performance
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oldschool connection
Collaboration with DJ Taucher. Together with Ayla he wrote and produced the soundtrack
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soundtrack by "the black parrot" (CC)
Entry and winner of the fractalforums.com annual contest 2014
Some math basics I provide
The Mandelbox, an artistic and geometric journey
Some background from a geometric point of view for the Mandelbox, the fractal system much of my artistc work rely on
Elaboration of a special Mandelbox hybrid, that merges a second fractal into a PseudoKleinian "grid"
The Mandelbox in hybrid PseudoKleinian
Detailed elaboration of the Mandelbox to be projected in PseudoKleinian order
Building a power 8 Mandelbulb from the overlay of three power 2 Mandelbulbs
some of my work
© Torsten Stier 2024 images under creative commons BY-SA 4.0 licence